Night Class is for students of all levels to undertake their own project under expert tuition. 

Beginners are welcome as well as experienced woodworkers with focused theme.

Classes are limited to 8-12 students. You can belong to one of night class, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday.

There are 8 to 10 classes per term, with 4 terms per year.

Terms are gently following ACT school term schedule.

Time 18:00 to 21:00. 3 HOURS.

Material fees not included in price.

There are two ways to enroll.

One is to pay for the term ahead and get discounted price.

The other is Pay As You Go with no discount but saves when you can’t attend full term.


Hiroshi Yamaguchi: Lecturer (Tuesday, Thursday) and coordinator

Ben Laffan (Detailed Wood): Monday night lecturer

Clare Solomon (Koitoya): Wednesday night lecturer


Class all full

Waiting list - about 20 people on the list (6/1/2025)

Apply for the waiting list. Please send me your name, email and mobile number.

Please email Hiroshi (


Tuesday /

Thursday Night

with Hiroshi Yamaguchi

18:00 ~ 21:00

Class full

Monday Night

with Ben Laffan

18:00 ~ 21:00

Class full

Wednesday Night

with Clare Solomon

18:00 ~ 21:00

Class full


Fee rate:

Pay as you go:

$98 per night. Minimum payment of $196 (2 nights fee) required ahead to book your space for the term.

Term fee (Pay ahead):

$89 per night.

Long term students discount:

$78 per night (from 2nd year)

Pay by bank transfer through invoice.


Date will be fixed before the end of previous term. Following is the planned schedule ahead.


TERM 1  

MONDAY: 3 FEB – 31 MAR 2025, 7 x 3 hours sessions, 7 weeks.  $623 (Public Holiday has no class)

TUESDAY: 11 FEB – 1 APR 2025, 8 x 3 hours sessions, 8 weeks.  $712

WEDNESDAY:12 FEB - 2 APR 2025, 8 x 3 hours sessions, 8 weeks. $712

THURSDAY:13 FEB - 3 APR 2025, 8 x 3 hours sessions, 8 weeks. $712

TERM 2    

MONDAY: 28 APR – 16 JUN 2025, 7 x 3 hours sessions, 7 weeks.  $623 (Public Holiday has no class)

TUESDAY: 29 APR – 17 JUN 2025, 8 x 3 hours sessions, 8 weeks.  $712

WEDNESDAY:30 APR - 18 JUN 2025, 8 x 3 hours sessions, 8 weeks. $712

THURSDAY:1 MAY - 19 JUN 2025, 8 x 3 hours sessions, 8 weeks. $712

TERM 3  

 ALL CLASSES: 4 AUG - 25 SEP 2025, 8 x3 hours sessions, 8 weeks. $712

TERM 4     

 ALL CLASSES: 13 OCT - 4 DEC 2025, 8 x3 hours sessions, 8 weeks. $712

Flexible plan possible. -What if you missed the class or going on holiday?:

You can take an alternative night on another day in the week anytime to catch up your missing night. (Term fee is not refundable.)

Special make up day ready for free in the end of the year.

Examples of projects undertaken:
If you are unsure of an appropriate project, we can advise you on suitable projects appropriate to your level of skill.

BYO project

Bring your own project. The program typically starts with at least a few nights tutoring in woodwork hand skills.

Past student’s project examples:

Kids bed with mortise and tenon joint, wooden puzzles, dovetail box, kid's chair, Shoji light, Japanese plane making, sliding dovetail stool, tool making, kid’s chair, Japanese toolbox, dining table, sitting bench, working bench, Ari stool.

Popular program examples:

Japanese Tool Making takes 10-12 nights to make a 48mm smooth plane, spoke shave plane or marking gauge

Sliding dovetail stool making takes about 10 nights to make your own Round-plane and use it to make sliding dovetail joints

Mitred box takes 4-5 nights, good plane project

Box joinery takes 5-7 nights, good chisel project

Japanese straight edge

A year development program examples:

Term 1 : Tools basics

Term 2: Joinery practice

Term 3 -4: Small furniture design and making

2nd year: Table making, Chair design

